After writing a novel that lampooned nearly everyone in his hometown, an author is forced to return to that same town to care for his father and discovers that people have not forgotten the indignities he heaped upon them.
Price’s tender and witty recollections of his time spent with Joe will bring joy to any animal lover’s heart. The Vincent Price Family Legacy will donate a portion of the proceeds from this book to the Fund for Animals.
The ice cream cones. The memes. Few politicians are as iconic, or as beloved, as Joe Biden. Now, in The Book of Joe, Biden fans will finally have the definitive look at America's favorite vice president--and what he can teach us.
As evidenced by The Book of Joe's success in both the foreign and movie markets, Jonathan Tropper has created a compelling, incredibly resonant story.
In THE BOOK OF JOE, Maddon gives readers unique insights into the game, including the tension between art and data, the changing role of managers as front offices gain power, why the honeymoon with the Cubs did not last, and what it’s ...
Here the forces of Darkness fester, here the elements of the Rangers must go on the ultimate patrol, and here is where... ...the End War begins.