This book contains 14pt font for easier reading. (The Average Bible Contains 6pt font lettering. The Book of Psalms is a book of 150 Hebrew poems in the Bible.
flying birds like the sand of the seas, 28 making them fall inside his camp,12 surrounding his dwelling place.13 29 They ate and were well satisfied, for he gave them what they wanted. 30 Before their desire was satisfied, ...
This work by Nancy deClaisse-Walford, Rolf Jacobson, and Beth Tanner is the most complete and detailed one-volume commentary available on the Psalms.
A commentated new translation of the Book of Psalms seeks to preserve and convey its powerful message and musical rhythms while lending insight into the text's obscurities, in a volume by the acclaimed translator of the Five Books of Moses. ...
Its English translation in the King James Version of the Bible (1611), from which this edition is reprinted complete and unabridged, is long regarded as a classic of English literature.
MEDITATION. This psalm is a hymn epitomizing the character of the God of Israel. It is an acrostic psalm, each new verse ... and shall declare thy might acts; I will meditate on the splendor of thy majesty and on thy wondrous works; ...
Alter’s The Book of Psalms captures the simplicity, the physicality, and the coiled rhythmic power of the Hebrew, restoring the remarkable eloquence of these ancient poems.
A commentated new translation of the Book of Psalms seeks to preserve and convey its powerful message and musical rhythms while lending insight into the text's obscurities, in a volume by the acclaimed translator of the Five Books of Moses. ...
"Yet, often, the available English translations of the Psalms fail to translate accurately key images and in the process also lose the profoundly poetic nature of the text. In this...
AN INTERTEXTUAL READING OF PSALMS 22, 23, AND 24 NANCY L. deCLAISSE-WALFORD '1_1!3_f1[;j HQ? ... and William L. Holladay, The Psalms through Three Thousand Years: Prayerbook of a Cloud of Witnesses (Minneapolis: Fortress, 1993) 77.
Its English translation in the King James Version of the Bible (1611), from which this edition is reprinted complete and unabridged, is an exceptionally beautiful and stirring one, long regarded as a classic of English literature.
J. N. Postgate (Neo-Assyrian Royal Grants and Decrees [Studia Pohl: Series Maior 1; Rome: Pontifical Biblical Institute, 1969] 36), followed by Kataja and Whiting (Grants, Decrees and Gifts, 25, 27, 32), translates it “in safety.
Through the ages, the book of Psalms has been regarded as the most inspirational of all the Bible's books. It is not known how or when the collection of 150 lyrical poems came into existence, though many are ascribed to King David.
The Book of Psalms: Psalms 73-150