Bennett, 1. Ibid. Personnel File, Major Phillip Griffin LAC. Bennett, 1. A Memorandum of an Interview with Major W.E. Harris, M.P., 24 Jan. 1946, 4 pages, DHH. Michon, 2. Ibid. Sgt. Benson, Scout Platoon, RHC “Account . . .” 1 Aug.
W. J. Riley to Terry Copp, 25 May 1987. 5. WD BW, 28 Sept 1944. 6. Interview with Charles Gordon Bourne, St Lambert Hometown News, March 1945. Personnel File, C. G. Bourne, Black Watch Archives. 2. 3. 7. Maisonneuve casualties for the ...
... condominiums, split-level homes, trailer courts as bleak as refrigerators in a junkyard, massage parlors, service stations, McDonald's, and more service stations. They pulled up at one so that Brodyboy could call Honey.
That summer, the brigade participated in hellish battles in Normandy, including Caen and Verriéres Ridge.
November 1944. The British government finally agrees to send a brigade of 5,000 Jewish volunteers from Palestine to Europe to fight the German army.
This work provides an organizational history of the maneuver brigade and case studies of its employment throughout the various wars.
The Brigade