Thor has broken the sword Tyrfing so that it cannot strike at the roots of Yggdrasil, the tree that binds together earth, heaven and hell.
When Valgard, a changeling, learns of his true heritage, he is determined to kill the mortal boy who took his place in the land of the fairies.
Poul Anderson. When that mysterious gift is finally reforged, the blind giant Bolverk tells Skafloc, in suitably archaic diction: “Many heroes have owned this sword, because it brings victory to the wielder. There is naught on which it ...
“I just wanted to protect the lieutenant, sir-r. He was the Bonnie Prince to me! I knew if you made good he would follow you, and possibly take me. But he was into something that I didn't know about—and it turns out to be treason.
The Broken Sword
Camelot in New York?
The broken sword
The sword Tyrfing has been broken to prevent it striking at the roots of Yggdrasil, the great tree that binds earth, heaven and hell together...but now the mighty sword is needed again to save the elves, who are heavily involved in their ...