The Candidate

  • The Candidate
    By Susan Wales, Robin Shope

    Will she uncover the truth before it's too late? Or has her luck run out? This pulse-pounding novel of intrigue and suspense will keep you enthralled until the very end.

  • The Candidate
    By Joseph A. Altsheler

    Now Harley and his associates had with them two veterans, Barr and Wymond, from Chicago, who never failed them. They were relieved, too, on reaching Pueblo, to find that the committee in charge had been most considerate.

  • The Candidate
    By Margaret Bohannon-Kaplan

    This is a story about the pursuit of freedom and individual expression.

  • The Candidate: Jeremy Corbyn’s Improbable Path to Power (2nd Edition)
    By Alex Nunns

    For more on the historical relationship between the unions and Labour, see Lewis Minkin, The Contentious Alliance: Trade Unions and the Labour Party (Edinburgh University Press, 1992). 4. 'Trade Union Membership 2014: Statistical ...

  • The Candidate
    By Lis Wiehl, Sebastian Stuart

    The Candidate is packed with political intrigue and media manipulation as the lust for power turns deadly indeed.

  • The Candidate: What it Takes to Win - and Hold - the White House
    By Samuel L. Popkin

    In The Candidate, Samuel Popkin explains the difference between them.

  • The Candidate: What it Takes to Win - and Hold - the White House
    By Samuel L. Popkin

    Explains what separates a candidate from a president-elect, looking in particular at the missteps made in George H. W. Bush's re-election bid and Al Gore and Hilary Clinton's efforts to gain the presidency.

  • The Candidate
    By Paul Harris

    Can he keep a devastating secret from being exposed, and if he does, will it mean the wrong man gets elected to the nation's highest office? THE CANDIDATE. Nothing stays buried. Not even the dead. "An addictive page-turner.

  • The Candidate
    By Josie Brown

    Seduction and intrigue are rampant on the campaign trail when a political campaign adviser discovers that Washington's power broker elite have embroiled his presidential candidate in a plot involving an act of terrorism on US soil… ...

  • The Candidate
    By Tracey Richardson

    Presidential candidate Jane Kincaid—gorgeous, dynamic and extremely driven—is taking the country by storm, passionately outlining her blueprint for America.

  • The Candidate
    By Antonio Grimaldi

    The failure to properly evaluate a candidate leads directly to dissatisfaction in the workplace, absenteeism, and even industrial espionage. This book presents an insightful new solution to the problem.

  • The Candidate
    By Antonio Grimaldi

    ... The candidaTe. Remember ThaT TalenT is noT associaTed wiTh disciplines or professions. The final voTe on TalenT will noT be a deTerminanT for hiring, buT should indicaTe To The managers if, or which one of The candidaTes hds specidl ...

  • The Candidate: Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail
    By Noah Richler

    ... candidate Kevin Farmer are sitting on an ugly leather couch and the several candidates of the Scarborough—Guildwood riding are having it out on the TV monitor. MacDougall, the Conservative Party candidate, is a no-show again. On the way ...

  • The Candidate: A Novel
    By Paul Harris

    Senator Jack Hodges is propelled to frontrunner status after a shot rings out at campaign gathering in Iowa.

  • The Candidate: A Political Romance
    By Joseph Altsheler

    The Candidate: A Political Romance

  • The Candidate
    By , Joseph A. Altsheler

    The huge convention-hall still rang with the thunders of applause, and most of the delegates were on their feet shouting or waving their hats, when Harley slipped from his desk and made his way quietly to the little side-door leading from ...

  • The Candidate: What it Takes to Win - and Hold - the White House
    By Samuel L. Popkin

    ... later, the White House was rocked by the blowout victory of littleknown Democrat Harris Wofford over Richard Thornburgh in a special election to succeed the late Sen. John Heinz (RPA) in the U.S. Senate. Wofford had been appointed to ...

  • The Candidate: A Political Romance
    By Joseph Alexander Altsheler

    The Candidate: A Political Romance

  • The Candidate
    By Paul Madyun

    Faced with the loss of his mentor, Apaullo Newman was thrust upon a journey in life that forced him to come to grips with the reality of his subjective world juxtaposed with the reality of his external (objective) world.

  • The Candidate
    By Sebastian Stuart, Lis W. Wiehl

    "How far would a candidate go to become President of the United States?