The Candidate

  • The Candidate: A Novel
    By Zareh Vorpouni

    The book opens in 1927 in Paris after Minas has found his friend Vahaknā€™s body on the floor of the apartment they share.

  • The Candidate
    By Antonio Grimaldi

    The failure to properly evaluate a candidate leads directly to dissatisfaction in the workplace, absenteeism, and even industrial espionage. This book presents an insightful new solution to the problem.

  • The Candidate
    By J. R. McLeay

    Some people will kill for higher office. When radical fringe candidate James Marshall enters the race for President, everyone writes him off as a hopeless dreamer.

  • The Candidate: Jeremy Corbyn's Improbable Path to Power
    By Alex Nunns

    In the wake of the UK's June 2017 election, The Candidate is a crucial British analogue to the phenomenon of Bernie Sanders