The Case for God

  • The Case for God
    By Karen Armstrong

    The Eden story is certainly not a morality tale; like any paradise myth, it is an imaginary account of the infancy of the human race. In Eden, Adam and Eve are still in the womb; they have to grow up, and the snake is there to guide ...

  • The Case for God
    By Karen Armstrong

    As the nineteenth century drew to a close, the British poet and nowelist Thomas Hardy (1840–1928) poignantly expressed the modern predicament. In “The Darkling Thrush,” dated December 31, 1900, he expressed the bleak desolation of the ...

  • The Case for God: What Religion Really Means
    By Karen Armstrong

    There is widespread confusion about the nature of religious truth.

  • The Case for God
    By Karen Armstrong

    Evaluates the role of religion, stating that today's expressions of faith differ from those of previous generations while arguing that an increased awareness of the past may help to build a faith that speaks to a polarized society.

  • The Case for God: What Religion Really Means
    By Karen Armstrong

    Here Armstrong argues that atheism has rarely been a denial of the sacred itself but has nearly always rejected a particular conception of God.

  • The Case for God: What religion really means
    By Karen Armstrong

    Does God have a future? Karen Armstrong examines how we can build a faith that speaks to the needs of our troubled and dangerously polarised world.

  • The Case for God: A Math Book
    By Clancy Imislund

    They may be unnerving for both atheists and the believers in God, but that is the purpose. Everything here is based on pure logical observation and not on any mythical or religious foundation.

  • The Case for God
    By Karen Armstrong

    Moving from the Paleolithic age to the present, Karen Armstrong details the great lengths to which humankind has gone in order to experience a sacred reality that has been referred to by many names, such as God, Brahman, Nirvana, Allah or ...