" To these are added more than four hundred other pieces, some of them fragementary, many of them previously unpublished, ranging in date from school essays of the early 1790s to a discussion of the bullion controversy in 1834.
Shorter Works and Fragments: Volume II Samuel Taylor Coleridge. INTRODUCTION AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS T. BoLLINGEN EDITION of Coleridge's collected works poses something of a challenge to the image of Coleridge as an author who was eternally ...
1425, 1426, 1426n, 1437; liking and love/loving 279, 1208; literary merit, three kinds of 434; logodaedaly and logomachy 1210, 1210n; lux lucifica and lumen 1290, lux lucifica and lux phainomenon 1348n; making and shaping 1299, 1299n; ...
" To these are added more than four hundred other pieces, some of them fragementary, many of them previously unpublished, ranging in date from school essays of the early 1790s to a discussion of the bullion controversy in 1834.
" To these are added more than four hundred other pieces, some of them fragementary, many of them previously unpublished, ranging in date from school essays of the early 1790s to a discussion of the bullion controversy in 1834.