East Wind's last issue was published in summer 1948. See “East Wind: In Which We Narrate the History of This Magazine,” East Wind, June 1946, 15–16; Lee, “Hu-Jee,” 61–64. 68. Shelley Mark, “Open Forum: How American Are We?
McIntyre, “Chinatown Offers Us a Lesson”; Theodore R. Hudson, letter to the editor, Washington Post, October 3, 1953, 8; Mary Kelly, “Three R's for N.Y. Chinese,” Christian Science Monitor, October 28, 1963, 9.
Ellen Wu shows that the idea of Asians as the model minority began as an academic hypothesis and became a key feature for how race in the United States was conceptualized. This is an important work.
Through students' own voices and perspectives, this book reveals how and why some racial minorities achieve academic success, despite limited opportunity.
Success starts with how you see yourself. The choices you make, however subtle they appear at the time, accumulate and create the person you become. Start now and make the best color choices for your success... How do you choose color?