The Coming Prince is a book that was written by Sir Robert Anderson on the book of Daniel and the coming of the Antichrist. The book is considered a must read for serious Bible students.
The Coming Prince: Daniel's Seventy Weeks Prophecy (Large Print) By Sir Robert Anderson
Sir Robert Anderson's commentary on the Book of Daniel is his most famous and respected work of Biblical narrative. This edition contains the author's notes, his appendices and the chronological tables.
Sir Robert Anderson's commentary on the Book of Daniel is his most famous and respected work of Biblical narrative. This edition contains the author's notes, his appendices and the chronological tables.
Sir Robert Anderson. The. Coming. Prince. Formatted and re-printed by Silverthorne Systems Co. and Bruce K. Silverthorne, 2005 On the Cover: Anderson's subject of the book, reflected in the title, is that of the Antichrist, ...
One of the most exhaustive works ever written on Daniel's Seventieth Week and the coming Antichrist, featuring a complete chronology.
He was one of the most popular lay preachers and Christian apologists of his day: Sir Robert Anderson devoutly believed that the Bible was the inerrant word of God, and in this popular 1881 book-a companion to his Daniel in the Critics' Den ...
The Coming Prince is a book that was written by Sir Robert Anderson on the book of Daniel and the coming of the Antichrist.
One of the most exhaustive works ever written on Daniel's Seventieth Week and the coming Antichrist, featuring a complete chronology.
He was one of the most popular lay preachers and Christian apologists of his day: Sir Robert Anderson devoutly believed that the Bible was the inerrant word of God, and in this popular 1881 book-a companion to his Daniel in the Critics' Den ...
This book belongs on the shelf of every pastor and layman intelligent in the study of the prophetic Word." (Dr. John F. Walvoord. "This is the ablest explanation of Daniel's seventy weeks and related subjects in existence.
The Coming Prince
This edition includes all charts, tables, and footnotes originally published In "The Coming Prince" but the charts and tables have been reformatted making them easier to read and understand.
Sir Robert Anderson's interpretation of the Daniel's Seventy Weeks is a powerful witness to Jesus as the promised Messiah and His imminent return.This book has been useful to Christians for more than a century and it will be useful to XXI ...
This interpretation of the book of Daniel deals with the prophecy of the ninth chapter in particular, and has long been considered a classic volume in its field due to the fresh exposition of Daniel's seventy weeks, which has been described ...
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Sir Robert Anderson was an Assistant Commissioner of the London Metropolitan police, as well as a theologian and writer. Anderson's best known works include The Coming Prince and The Silence of God.
The Coming Prince: Daniel's Seventy Weeks Prophecy By Sir Robert Anderson
This book represents his systematic study of the prophetic Book of Daniel in light of contemporary events and End Times theology.
'This classic interpretation of the book of Daniel, dealing with the prophecy of the ninth chapter in particular, has long been considered a standard volume in the field, often quoted, and original in its fresh exposition of Daniel's ...