As the eminent law and politics scholars Neal Devins and Lawrence Baum show in The Company They Keep, justices today are reacting far more to subtle social forces in their own elite legal world than to pressure from the other branches of ...
As the eminent law and politics scholars Neal Devins and Lawrence Baum show in The Company They Keep, justices today are reacting far more to subtle social forces in their own elite legal world than to pressure from the other branches of ...
For over a year, anthropologist Anna Simons was given unprecedented access to a Special Forces unit. Having first met these unconventional soldiers under difficult circumstances in Somalia, she also followed...
""The Company They Keep" advances a new way of thinking about Supreme Court decision-making.
A major study on childhood and adolescent friendships.
The creators of 'Narnia' and 'Middle Earth', C.S. Lewis and J.R.R Tolkien were friends and colleagues. They met with a community of fellow writers at Oxford in the 1930s and...