The Curse

  • The Curse
    By Connie Laux

    Kate had been warned by her fortune-telling grandmother not to accept the job at Pine Lake, but Kate cannot resist such a dream job, especially with a romance in the offing as well, but all too soon she realizes that she should have ...

  • The Curse
    By Marian Nichols

    But she was not alone and her host was a little upset at this unwelcome invasion. By morning, Myras investigation of the three-story manor and the meeting of the ghost reveal a hundred year old murder.

  • The Curse
    By James M. Stout

    The story also offers an original, if diabolic, twist on the vampire legend, where the rule of survival is kill or be killed, and the price of failure is agonizing death and eternal damnation.

  • The Curse: The Great Bookie Robbery : Part Two
    By Mark Bennett

    Where the Great Bookie Robbery itself is a story of criminals and record-breaking heists, this is a story of the tragedy and bloodshed that can come as a result of crime.

  • The Curse: Cubs Win! Cubs Win!... Or Do They?
    By Rob Rains, Andy Van Slyke

    More than just a baseball novel, this is a story about the bond that exists between fathers and sons, between a team and its fans, and the dangers of the lust for power, glory, and money.