The Day of Battle

  • The Day of Battle: The War in Sicily and Italy, 1943-1944
    By Rick Atkinson

    Ever the ardent hunter , Omar Bradley had long held Allen in his sights before squeezing the trigger . He later claimed that “ the hardest thing in war was to relieve people I knew , " but Bradley seemed unruffled by the dismissal of ...

  • The Day of Battle: The War in Sicily and Italy, 1943-1944
    By Rick Atkinson

    The second volume in a trilogy chronicling the liberation of Europe during World War II focuses on the Allied campaigns in Sicily and Italy, detailing the bloody battles at Salerno, Anzio, and Monte Cassino, as well as the June 1944 ...

  • The Day of Battle: The War in Sicily and Italy, 1943-1944
    By Rick Atkinson

    1942–May 1944,” CMH, 8-4 CA 1944, 35 (five p.m. curfew); Dickson, “G-2 Journal,” 69 (“lively brawls”); Franklyn A. Johnson, One More Hill, 76 (“Truckloads”); speech, Stanhope B. Mason, Apr. 24, 1976, 57th annual dinner of Officers of ...

  • The Day Of Battle: The War in Sicily and Italy 1943-44
    By Rick Atkinson

    In An Army at Dawn - winner of the Pulitzer Prize - Rick Atkinson provided a dramatic and authoritative history of the Allied triumph in North Africa. Now, in The...

  • The Day of Battle: The War in Sicily and Italy, 1943-1944
    By Rick Atkinson

    In the second volume of his epic trilogy about the liberation of Europe in World War II, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Atkinson tells the harrowing story of the campaigns in Sicily and Italy.