As Freedman argues about this and other similar cases, 'Judges knowingly appoint and reappoint incompetent lawyers in capital cases, and disciplinary authorities fail to impose sanctions on judges and lawyers who violate ethical rules ...
His two accomplices were Meigo Bailey and Kirkland Lawrence, both 20-year-old men. According to the State . . . Graham, Bailey, and Lawrence knocked on the door of the home where Carlos Rodriguez lived. [They] . . . forcibly entered the ...
Edited by K.C.Haas and J.A. Inciardi. Newbury Park,Calif.: Sage Publications, 1988. Endres, Michael. The Morality of Capital Punishment: Equal Justice Under the Law? Mystic, Conn.: TwentyThird Publications, 1985. Engreen, FredE.
Thomas 72 State v . Wallace 145 State v . West 25 State v . Williams 60 , 95 State v . ... Simpson Simpson , O.J. 102 , 105 , 108 Sims see People v . Sims Sivak see State v . Sivak Sixth Amendment 81 , 83 , 91–92 , 139 Smith see State v ...
"A compact summary of capital punishment cases and controversies."--
16. 11 Thomas Jefferson, A Bill for Proportioning Crimes and Punishments (1779). In Bryan Vila and Cynthia Morris (eds.), CAPITAL PUNISHMENT IN THE UNITED STATES (1997), pp. 16¥18. 12 In Hugo Bedau and Paul Cassell (eds.) ...
In HUGO BEDAU AND PAUL CASSELL (EDS.), DEBATING THE DEATH PENALTY (2004), p. 553. Tara L. Swafford, Responding to Herrera v. Collins: Ensuring That Innocents Are not Executed, 45 CASE W. RES. L. REV. 603 (1995).
James Liebman and colleagues had concluded, after finding that two-thirds of the death sentences imposed between 1973 and 1995 had been. *7 Michael L Radelet, 'The Executioner's Waning Defenses' in Charles J Ogletree, Jr and Austin ...
And Julian Knowles, 'CapitalPunishment inthe CommonwealthCaribbean: Colonial Inheritance orColonialRemedy?'in WilliamA.Schabas and PeterHodgkinson (eds.), Capital Punishment.Strategiesfor Abolition(2004), pp.282–308.
... Jeffrey L. 262,330 Kiribati 28, 99 Kisko, Stefan (case of) 55 Kiss, Alexander 328 Kitzhaber, Governor John (Oregon) 355 Kleck, Gary 421 Klein, Stephen 383 Knight, Carly R. 140 Knowles, Julian 125 Kobayashi (case of) 322 ...
This edition also considers the role andinfluence of victims' families and victim interest movements.
The Death Penalty: A World-wide Perspective
Two distinguished social and political philosophers take opposing positions in this highly engaging work.
Michael Davis has tried to formulate a version of the fairness justification of punishment ; he calls it the unfair - advantage principle . Continuing in the same vein as Morris , Davis writes : " Anyone who breaks a law does not bear ...
The Death Penalty: A Cruel and Inhuman Punishment
The Death Penalty: A Cruel and Inhuman Punishment
Discusses the death penalty debate, exploring the issues of several controversial cases, and describes new developments in science and technology that are changing the way guilt and innocence are decided.
Developed to meet the expressed needs of catechists, youth ministers, and teachers, each of these new books focuses on a topic of high interest or urgent concern to teens today...
This is a first rate piece of scholarship: well written, deeply researched, fascinating to read, and full of insights and good common sense. It is, in my view, one of the finest books to deal with this troubled and troubling subject.
This book addresses one of the most controversial issues in the criminal justice system today—the death penalty. Paternoster et al. present a balanced perspective that focuses on both the arguments...