The Death Penalty

  • The Death Penalty: Beyond Abolition

    The Council of Europe believes that the death penalty has no place in democratic societies under any circumstances. This book reviews the long and sometimes tortuous path to abolition in Europe.

  • The Death Penalty: A Debate
    By Ernest Van Den Haag, John Phillips Conrad

    " The Court's decisions, however, do not moot the controversy about the death penalty or render this excellent book irrelevant. The ball is now in the court of the Legislature and the Executive.

  • The Death Penalty
    By Megan Manzano

    Is capital punishment morally justified? Although the issue generates strong opinions, there are no easy answers when it comes to taking the life of a human being.

  • The Death Penalty: Just Punishment or Cruel Practice?
    By Allison Krumsiek

    This volume examines the history of the death penalty, the ways it is administered, and the arguments for and against it.

  • The Death Penalty
    By Ida Walker

    Explores the controversy surrounding capital punishment, discussing how it works; arguments for and against it; the role of religion in the debate; and special considerations involved with its use.

  • The Death Penalty: A World-wide Perspective : a Report to the United Nations Committee on Crime Prevention and Control
    By Roger Hood, Fellow of All Souls College and Director of the Center for Criminological Research Roger Hood

    Material brought together and evaluated from all over the world. The book is published for and on behalf of the United Nations. It is the revised text of the report...

  • The Death Penalty: Justice Or Legalized Murder?
    By Ted Gottfried

    Discusses the history of the death penalty, the different methods of execution, and how public opinion changes based on the legal and ethical issues that surround this controversial issue.

  • The Death Penalty: Constitutional Issues, Commentaries, and Case Briefs
    By Rolando V. del Carmen, Scott Vollum, Durant Frantzen

    Herrera's claim of actual innocence was denied by the state district court. In 1992, Herrera filed a habeas petition in federal court alleging actual innocence, and thus, that his death sentence was in violation of the Eighth Amendment ...

  • The Death Penalty
    By Brandon Garrett, Lee Kovarsky

    Softbound - New, softbound print book.

  • The Death Penalty: A Reference Handbook
    By Joseph A. Melusky, Keith A. Pesto

    The event took place beyond U.S. jurisdiction but many Americans were outraged and debated whether such forms of ... of this book, since the mid-1970s, the Eighth Amendment has also been increasingly used to litigate claims that prison ...

  • The Death Penalty: Issues in the Debate
    By Evelyn Strouse

    Raising an Adopted Child 588 To Combat and Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect 618 Friendship throughout Life 579 Assaults on Women : Rape and Wife Beating 616 Caring for the New Baby - The First 18 Months 577 Mental Retardation - A ...

  • The Death Penalty
    By Jacques Derrida

    In this newest installment in Chicago’s series of Jacques Derrida’s seminars, the renowned philosopher attempts one of his most ambitious goals: the first truly philosophical argument against the death penalty.

  • The Death Penalty: Abolition in Europe
    By Council of Europe

    Conclusion - Sergei Kovalev.

  • The Death Penalty: Constitutional Issues, Commentaries, and Case Briefs
    By Rolando V. del Carmen, Scott Vollum, Durant Frantzen

    Though the primary audiences of the book are undergraduates in criminal justice programs and practitioners in the corrections and justice systems, the book will also prove useful to anyone who has an interest in the death penalty, the ...

  • The Death Penalty
    By Julie Zimmerman, Claudia Whitman

    The Death Penalty

  • The Death Penalty: A Debate
    By Ernest Van Den Haag, John Phillips Conrad

    From 1965 until 1980, there was a virtual moratorium on executions for capital offenses in the United States. This was due primarily to protracted legal proceedings challenging the death penalty...

  • The Death Penalty: Constitutional Issues, Commentaries and Case Briefs
    By Rolando V. del Carmen, Scott Vollum

    Bringing together the major death penalty cases decided by the U.S. Supreme Court and the legal issues related to the death penalty, this text classifies the cases according to legal...

  • The Death Penalty: What's Keeping It Alive
    By Andrea D. Lyon

    Filled with gripping case studies, the book analyzes why the death penalty remains active in most states in spite of well-documented flaws in the justice system.

  • The Death Penalty: Perspectives from India and Beyond
    By Sanjeev P. Sahni, Mohita Junnarkar

    This book offers a broad overview of public attitudes to the death penalty in India.

  • The Death Penalty: Furman v. Georgia
    By D. J. Herda

    The death penalty is surely one of the most highly contentious points the Supreme Court has had to weigh in on. Whether you believe in the death penalty or not, the Furman v.