This landmark volume contains the most complete listing and presentation of the plant specimens collected by the Lewis and Clark expedition. All but one of the plants were collected by Meriwether Lewis, the expedition?s botanist.
Although Whitehouse's career after the expedition was checkered and he disappeared after 1817, his vivid eyewitness account will long be remembered. ø Whitehouse's journal joins the celebrated Nebraska edition of the complete journals of ...
The journals of John Ordway and Charles Floyd are part of the celebrated Nebraska edition of the complete journals of the Lewis and Clark expedition, which feature a wide range of new scholarship on all aspects of the expedition from ...
This set of the celebrated Nebraska edition features the seven core volumes—those written by Lewis and Clark—and incorporates a wide range of new scholarship dealing with all aspects of the expedition, including geography, Indian ...
His engaging and detailed journal became the first published account of the Lewis and Clark expedition. ø Gass's journal joins the celebrated Nebraska edition of the complete journals of the Lewis and Clark expedition, which feature a wide ...
This volume also contains a list of corrections for earlier volumes.