158 For several years a small Fifth Monarchist faction, led by a cooper named Thomas Venner, had labored under the delusion their popular support was great enough that they could trigger the Second Coming through armed insurrection.
Prelude -- Joachim's Children -- Believers and Rogues -- Briefly Rich -- George Hudson, Capitalist Hero -- Miller's Run -- Winston Churchill's Excellent Adventure -- in Monetary Policy -- Sunshine Charlie Misses the Point -- Apocalypse Cow ...
A fascinating new history of financial and religious mass manias over the past five centuries.
Bernstein tells the stories of dramatic religious and financial mania in western society over the last 500 years, from the Anabaptist Madness that afflicted the Low Countries in the 1530s to the dangerous end-times beliefs that animate ISIS ...
A fascinating new history of financial and religious mass manias over the past five centuries.
A fascinating new history of financial and religious mass manias over the past five centuries.