For those who know and love Anne Frank, The Definitive Edition is a chance to discover her anew. For readers who have not yet encountered her, this is the edition to cherish.
A young girl's journal records her family's struggles during two years of hiding from the Nazis in war-torn Holland.
Anne Frank was 13 years old when she and her family went into hiding in a secret room in Amsterdam in order to escape the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands.
THE DEFINITIVE EDITION • Discovered in the attic in which she spent the last years of her life, Anne Frank’s remarkable diary has since become a world classic—a powerful reminder of the horrors of war and an eloquent testament to the ...
Mr. Kugler's office can also be reached from the hallway , but only through a glass door that can be opened from the inside but not easily from the outside . If you leave Mr. Kugler's office and proceed through the long , narrow hallway ...
I know it sounds childish , but wait till it happens to you ! The ack - ack guns make so much noise you can't hear your own voice . Mrs. Beaverbrook , the fatalist , practically burst into tears and said in a timid little voice ...
All that time, Anne kept a diary. An intimate record of tension and struggle, adolescence and confinement, anger and heartbreak, this is the definitive edition of the diary of Anne Frank.
Praise for The Diary of a Young Girl “A truly remarkable book.”—The New York Times “One of the most moving personal documents to come out of World War II.”—The Philadelphia Inquirer “There may be no better way to commemorate ...
An uncut edition of Anne Frank's diary includes entries originally omitted by her father and provides insight into Anne's relationship with her mother
"Anne Frank's diary needs no introduction.
The diary contains Anne Frank's vivid impressions during the lengthy isolation and offers a fascinating insight into her bold personality. Here is a first hand account of an adolescent girl's spirited view of life.
An uncut edition of Anne Frank's diary includes entries originally omitted by her father and provides insight into Anne's relationship with her mother.
Anne Frank was 13 years old when she and her family went into hiding in a secret room in Amsterdam in order to escape the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands.
It remains a beloved and deeply admired testament to the indestructible nature of the human spirit. Restored in this Definitive Edition are diary entries that were omitted from the original edition.
In July 1942, thirteen-year-old Anne Frank and her family, fleeing the horrors of Nazi occupation, went into hiding in an Amsterdam warehouse.
This abridged version of Anne Frank's Diary has been taken from the definitive edition which restores substantial material ommitted from the original edition. Anne Frank emerges as more human and more spirited than ever before.
The Diary of a Young Girl—Anne Frank 2. The Story of My Life—Helen Keller The school has a choice of using any one. Both these works with unabridged text are now available in strict alignment with the guidelines given by the CBSE
The story of the Frankfurt family by far remains one of the most insightful accounts of World War II. The original version of the diary was published by Otto Frank, Anne's father, in Dutch in 1947"--back cover.
The Diary of A Young Girl