This book defines war, rather than liberty, as the primary means by which peoples of North America have defined social, cultural, and political boundaries for the last half-millennium.
Empire and Liberty in North America, 1500-2000 Fred Anderson, Andrew Cayton ... 14, 19, 20: Courtesy of the Robert Dechert Collection, Annenberg Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; p.
A reinterpretation of the development of the United States argues that warfare has played a leading role in shaping North America throughout the past five hundred years, in a history that focuses on the lives of eight men, including George ...
Presents a history of American wars as a pursuit of a policy of imperialism and conquest responsible for America's rise to global leadership, with American interventions in Vietnam and Iraq as extensions of that policy.
Americans often think of their nation’s history as a movement toward ever-greater democracy, equality, and freedom. Wars in this story are understood both as necessary to defend those values and...