Personal Reflections Inspired by the Last Words of Daniel Pearl Almost 150 Jews—both famous and not—from all walks of life, from all around the world, write about many aspects of their Judaism. Edited byJudea and Ruth Pearl 6 x 9,304 pp ...
From the Gobi Desert to Samarkand, Taylor Caldwell transports readers to a distant world and shines a brilliant light on one of history’s most enigmatic figures.
John Landis Ruth adds folk memory to extensive documentation and careful explanation of key beliefs and practices in this 360-year story of faith in Lanacaster County. An indispensable source with...
Tavaras is a barren, harsh land, scorched by an unforgiving sun. It is a land dominated by the Yek, a quarrelsome race bred for war. And the Yek are about to wage war again, on the Alan, one of the few peoples not subject to their rule.
Powerfully and beautifully portrays a bygone Jewish culture. An eloquent masterpiece.
The beauty of the world around us is stamped with God's imprint.
The Earth is the Lord's
This is a book about how everything belongs to God and we are His workmanship and His people who are the Apple of His Eye.
"Stewardship, correctly understood, means being responsible before God for the proper utilization of creation and all His bounty. It means conserving and sharing for the upbuilding of the entire community....
This work looks at the major consequences for Christians when we see the earth as sacred and realize the stewardship that follows.
The underlying premise of this study is captured in the first verse of Psalm 24, which states that "the earth is the LORD's" and no one else's. This is a major theological tenet that undergirds the biblical tradition.