The Ecology of Tropical East Asia

  • The Ecology of Tropical East Asia
    By Richard Corlett

    In: Leader- Williams, N., Adams, W. M., and Smith, R. J., eds., Trade- offs in conservation: deciding what to save, pp. 73–93. Wiley- Blackwell, Oxford. Karasov, W. H. and Martínez del Rio, C. (2007) Physiologi- cal ecology: how animals ...

  • The Ecology of Tropical East Asia
    By Richard T. Corlett

    Moving north from the equator , the summer minimum disappears and the insolation remains high throughout the summer in most of the tropics . Finally , in the temperate zone there is a peak at the summer solstice and low at the winter ...

  • The Ecology of Tropical East Asia
    By Richard T. Corlett

    This third edition continues to provide an overview of the terrestrial ecology of Tropical East Asia: from southern China to Indonesia, and from Bhutan and Bangladesh to the Ryukyu Islands of Japan.

  • The Ecology of Tropical East Asia
    By Richard Corlett

    Richard Corlett. Threats. to. biodiversity. © Richard T. Corlett 2014. Published 2014 by Oxford University Press. Table 7.1 Statistics relating to human populations in Tropical East ...

  • The Ecology of Tropical East Asia
    By Richard T. Corlett

    This edition updates the contents and extends the coverage to include the similar ecosystems of northeast India.

  • The Ecology of Tropical East Asia
    By Richard T. Corlett

    Global Change Biology, 20, 923–937. Grove, R. H. (1998) Global impact of the 1789–1793 El Niño. Nature, 393, 318–319. Grubb, P. J., Bellingham, P. J., Kohyama, T. S., Piper, F. I., and Valido, A. (2013) Disturbance regimes, ...