Claude Lévy - Strauss , an eloquent defender of Rousseau as a social scientist , has movingly portrayed Christian ... see LévyStrauss : “ Jean - Jacques Rousseau , fondateur des sciences de l'homme , ” in Samuel Baud - Bovy , et al .
All documents are preceded by headnotes, and the volume includes a chronology, map, illustrations, and an updated bibliography and index. A list of Questions for Consideration has also been added for this edition.
Jean le Rond d'Alembert d'Alembert, Jean-le-Rond. 1821–1822. Oeuvres. 5 vols. Paris. The complete works of d'Alembert collected in five volumes, including his philosophical and mathematical writings and Encyclop ́edie articles. ———.
... Bill McGuire GLOBAL ECONOMIC HISTORY Robert C. Allen GLOBALIZATION Manfred Steger GOD John Bowker THE GOTHIC Nick ... HIEROGLYPHS Penelope Wilson HINDUISM Kim Knott HISTORY John H. Arnold THE HISTORY OF ASTRONOMY Michael Hoskin THE ...
In an unusually diverse collection, Margaret Jacob presents the eighteenth-century movement known as the Enlightenment that forever changed the political, religious, and educational landscape of the day.
Seidel , A. Tetens Einfluss auf die kritische Philosophie Kants ( dissert . ) . Leipzig , 1932 . Uebele , W. J. N. Tetens nach seiner Gesamtentwicklung betrachtet mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Verhältnisses zu Kant ( Kantstudien ...
Discusses various aspects of the Enlightenment including its roots, philosophes, attacks on Christianity, revolt against reason, campaigns to reform society, and legacy.
Therefore, by reconsidering the importance of the French esprit philosophique in the Euroean Enlightenment, this book will be of considerable importance for every scholar and student interested in this period.
Robertson returns to the era’s original texts to show that above all, the Enlightenment was really about increasing human happiness – in this world rather than the next – by promoting scientific inquiry and reasoned argument.
The Enlightenment/Peter Gay.-v.II
It is both enlightening and enlightened."--Anthony Pagden, author of The Enlightenment: And Why It Still Matters "This book shines.
This oustanding sourcebook brings together the work of major Enlightenment thinkers to illustrate the full importance and achievements of this great period of change.
Blamed for the bloody disasters of the 20th century: Auschwitz, the Gulags, globalisation, Islamic terrorism; heralded as the harbinger of reason, equality, and the end of arbitrary rule, the Enlightenment...
This book tells nothing less than the story of how the modern, Western view of the world was born.
Did the Enlightenment mean the same for men and women, for rich and poor, for Europeans and non-Europeans? In the second edition of her book, Dorinda Outram addresses these, and other questions about the Enlightenment.
One of the few self-named historical movements, the Enlightenment in 18th-century Europe was a powerful intellectual reaction to the dominance of absolutist monarchies and religious authorities. Building upon the discoveries...
In this book, Norman Hampson follows through certain dominant themes in the Enlightenment, and describes the contemporary social and political climate, in which ideas could travel from the salons of Paris to the court of Catherine the Great ...
Considering its intellectual commitments, Robertson then turns to their impact on society, and the ways in which Enlightenment thinkers sought to further the goal of human betterment, by promoting economic improvement and civil and ...
This magisterial history--sure to become the definitive work on the subject--recasts the Enlightenment as a period not solely consumed with rationale and reason, but rather as a pursuit of practical means to achieve greater human happiness.
The texts are supported by a lucid introduction exploring their moral, philosophical, political and economic background, enabling the student to grasp both the context and the essence of each argument.