Explains the duties of an estate or trust executor, and discusses probate, life insurance, bank accounts, debts, and estate taxes.
But you can do it, and this book will show you how. A roadmap to follow. The Executor’s Guide will lead you through an unfamiliar land of legal procedures and terminology. You’ll learn what to do right away and what can wait.
RESOURCE Powers of Attorney and Medical Directives Making durable powers of attorney and health care directives. ... Living Wills & Powers of Attorney for California, by Shae Irving (Nolo), contains everything California residents need ...
The Executor's Guide is the definitive instruction manual for anyone administering an estate under a will.
Millions of baby boomers are currently (or will soon be) serving as executors, and this book shows them exactly what to do.
... the Executor has some special skill or expertise , the Executor will be held to the standard of care and skill that a prudent expert with that skill or expertise would exercise in dealing with the property of another . The duty of ...
... an executor or adminis- trator , he will order such executor or administrator to mortgage , lease or sell so much of the real es- tate as shall be necessary to pay the debts esta- blished before him . Upon such order being granted and ...
But you can do it, and this book will show you how. A roadmap to follow. The Executor’s Guide will lead you through an unfamiliar land of legal procedures and terminology. You’ll learn what to do right away and what can wait.