Tells the story of a midwestern professor who, his career ruined by an affair with a student, travels to Bologna to attend a trial of terrorists who had killed his eldest daughter
The Fall of a Sparrow tells the real life story of adventure and self-discovery of Salim Ali, India's original bird man. Chronicling an era gone by and vividly describing forgotten...
Tells the story of a midwestern professor who, his career ruined by an affair with a student, travels to Bologna to attend a trial of terrorists who had killed his eldest daughter
The Fall of a Sparrow is the only full biography in English of the partisan, poet, and patriot Abba Kovner (1918–1987).
The Vivien Eliot Papers is a groundbreaking new biography of Vivien Eliot, comprising two sections: her Life and her Papers.
Woven within this narrative is the story of an emerging poetic sensibility, coupled with an uncanny ability to bring to life a richly imaginative world.