The Far Side of the World

  • The Far Side of the World
    By Patrick O'Brian

    The Surprises were very kind to Mr Gill , as well they might be , since he had done them no sort of harm , while his trusting nature had , with no great pains on their part , delivered them a prize , deep - laden with white - oil and ...

  • The Far Side of the World
    By Patrick O'Brian

    Church was rigged in the lee of the launch , with an awning spread and a reading - desk run up from stretchers and a thwart , lashed rather than nailed . Jack sent a note to Captain Palmer saying that if he , his officers and men chose ...

  • The Far Side of the World
    By Patrick O'Brian

    Captain Jack Aubrey, accompanied by ship's surgeon and British intelligence operative, Stephen Maturin, sails for Cape Horn, assigned to intercept an American frigate that is disrupting the British whaling trade.

  • The Far Side of the World
    By Patrick O'Brian

    Jack Aubrey and his friend Stephen Maturin set course across the South Atlantic to intercept a powerful American frigateoutward bound to play havoc with the British whaling trade.

  • The Far Side of the World
    By Patrick O'Brian

    Patrick O'Brian's Aubrey-Maturin tales are widely acknowledged to be the greatest series of historical novels ever written. Now these evocative stories are being re-issued in paperback by Harper Perennial with stunning new jackets.

  • The Far Side of the World
    By Patrick O'Brian

    The inspiration for the major new motion picture starring Russell Crowe.