The Feud Buster

  • The Feud Buster
    By Robert E Howard

    Another adventure with Breckinridge Elkins!

  • The Feud Buster
    By Robert E. Howard

    “Lissen here, young man, don't start tellin' me how to conduck a feud. I growed up in this here'n. It war in full swing when I was born, and I done spent my whole life carryin' it on.” “That's just it,” I snorted.

  • The Feud Buster
    By Robert Ervin Howard

    These here derned lies which is being circulated around is making me sick and tired.

  • The Feud Buster: Large Print
    By Robert Ervin Howard

    These here derned lies which is being circulated around is making me sick and tired.

  • The Feud Buster
    By Robert Howard

    Howard's alter ego in this novel is Steve Costigan, a name he would use more than once in the future. The novel was finished in 1928 but not published until long after his death.