The nine books in the timeless Little House series tell the story of Laura’s childhood as an American pioneer, and are cherished by readers of all generations.
For the first time in the history of the Little House books, this new edition features Garth Williams’ interior art in vibrant, full color, as well as a beautifully redesigned cover.
Frontier homesteading is a rough but rewarding experience, as the hardy Wilder family can testify.
During their first four years of marriage, Laura and Almanzo Wilder have a child and fight a losing battle in their attempts to succeed at farming on the South Dakota prairie.
The story of their journey from South Dakota to Mansefield, Missouri five years later is told in an epilogue written by their daughter.
LITTLE HOUSE. BIG ADVENTURE: A fresh, photographic repackage of the original Little House books just in time for the series' 75th anniversary.
The novel gets its title from a promise Laura made to Almanzo when they became engaged.