Timothy MacLean, a Scottish detective, betrothed to the daughter of a prominent Irish family, follows a trail of evidence that leads him through deplorable slums, seedy brothels and splendid mansions of uptown New York.The young, brave ...
It had left me, Maggs and Les in a small village in Italy without a purpose. Just like the three musketeers: all for one, one for all, and all for bloody nothing. Time to go home, Charlie. Time to face the music. One last thing.
The legendary Starfleet Captain Lucien Murat, a contemporary of Christopher Pike, disappeared during a battle with the alien Tarn.
Captain Lucian Murat, a contemporary of Captain Pike, vanished during a battle with Tarn, but while negotiating with the Tarn, Captain Picard discovers that the legendary captain's descendants are stranded on a desolate planet and still ...
Combines enormous battlefield-level detail with command-level military history and domestic and international politics to create a definitive history of the Korean War. Reprint.
A Group of children get caught up in a terrorist style war - where fighting back is their only (unwanted) option
The Forgotten War: The British Army in the Far East 1941-1945
The Korean war was a turning point in the ideolgoical struggle between Communism and the West; Cold War turned into Hot War, the first all-out armed conflict between the world's...
All aspects of military activities in Alaska and northwestern Canada from 1939-45 using 367 photographs to complement the narrative.
While in the process of writing this book, a catastrophic event occurred in US firefighting history.
The Korean war was a turning point in the ideologoical struggle between Communism and the West; Cold War turned into Hot War, the first all-out armed conflict between the world's...