Braudel 'Georges Gurvitch'; Harris, 'Braudel'; Maillard, 'Le temps de l'historien'. Cf. Lefort, 'Histoire et sociologie'. ... Delille, 'Lévi-Strauss'; Burke, 'Gli usi di Lévi-Strauss'. Evans-Pritchard, 'Anthropology and History', ...
2002 Schmitt, Le corps des images [The Body of Images] 2003 Hartog, Régimes d'historicité [Regimes of ... EHESS moves to Avenue de France 2012 Valensi, Ces étrangers familiers [Familiar Foreigners] 2013 Corbin, La douceur de l'ombre ...
A remarkable amount of the most innovative, significant, and lasting historical writing of the twentieth century has been produced in France, much of it the work of a group of historians associated with the journal Annales.
A remarkable amount of the most innovative, significant, and lasting historical writing of the twentieth century has been produced in France, much of it the work of a group of historians associated with the journal Annales.
This book provides a critical history of the movement associated with the journal Annales, from its foundation in 1929 to the present.
The French Historical Revolution: The Annales School, 1929-89