Harlan Brown is a tough, conservative track coach hiding from his past at a small college. Billy Sive is a brilliant young runner who is homosexual and doesn't mind who...
In May 1987, Colorado Senator Gary Hart - a dashing, reform-minded Democrat - seemed a lock for the party's presidential nomination and led George H. W. Bush by double digits...
Then there was the tactical problem inherent in being the frontrunner. Alone among major candidates of the modern era, Hart had, by that time, experienced presidential campaigns as both a lead strategist and as a candidate.
Gary Hart, a US senator, decides to run for the President of United States. However, during the presidential campaign, the paparazzi sheds light on Hart's extramarital relationship with Donna Rice.
Harlan Brown and Billy Sive, two gay men, two gifted athletes, confront prejudices, as they prepare for the Olympics.