once again to develop a distinctive system of notation. As mentioned above, Hambardzum ... Until the late nineteenth century, Armenian church music preserved its monodic character. ... The Armenian Neume System of Notation, trans.
“'Abd Al-Qadir Al-Maraghi and 'Ali B. Muhammad Bina'i: Two Fifteenth-Century Examples of Notation. Part 2: Commentary. ... ARMENIA. At'ayan, Robert A. 1999. The Armenian Neume System of Notation, trans. V. N. Nersessian.
Ol Singsing Bilong Ples. Boroko: Institute of Papua New Guinea Studies. Institute of Papua New Guinea Studies IPNGS 010. Book with two cassettes. Weiner, James F. 1991. The Empty Place: Poetry, Space and Being among the Foi of Papua New ...
In this volume, sixty-eight of the world's leading authorities explore and describe the wide range of musics of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Kashmir, Nepal and Afghanistan.
Sam, Sam-Ang, and Chan Moly Sam. 1987. Khmer Folk Dance. Newington, Conn.: Khmer Studies Institute. Sam, Sam-Ang, and Patricia Shehan Campbell. 1991. Silent Temples, Songful Hearts: Traditional Music of Cambodia. Danbury, Conn.
Volume 4: Southeast Asia Terry E. Miller, Sean Williams ... The following is a famous Malaysian pantun. ... The form of the joget was influenced by Portuguese and Malaysian-Portuguese dancers and musicians from the time of the ...
"Garland's ambitious 10-volume series takes a cultural approach to its focus on the music of all the world's peoples. Each volume is arranged topically, regionally, or by ethnic group, and...
Though world music is a new marketing category in the music business, the impulse to make and embrace cross-category and international fusions is at least three centuries old in Europe. By the 1990s, modernity and capitalism—the ...
AFRICAN POPULAR MUSIC AND THE INTERNATIONAL MARKET All African pop embodies creative interaction between foreign values and local styles. ... World music is one of the largest growth areas in record stores in the UK and Europe.
This volume explores not only the close ties that link the cultures and musics of East and Northeast Asia, but also the distinctive features that separate them.
The Encyclopedia's coverage ranges from the Bahamas to Tierra del Fuego and from Baja California to Uruguay as it describes the extraordinarily rich and varied music of people from all the countries south of the Rio Grande river.
Special features *Exceptionally strong emphasis on music in a cultural context *A comprehensive treatment of music cultures that usually are split among multiple national entries *International musical authorities, including African, Asian, ...
The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music: The world's music
The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music
"Garland's ambitious 10-volume series takes a cultural approach to its focus on the music of all the world's peoples. Each volume is arranged topically, regionally, or by ethnic group, and...
The Garland encyclopedia of world music: South America, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean
"Garland's ambitious 10-volume series takes a cultural approach to its focus on the music of all the world's peoples. Each volume is arranged topically, regionally, or by ethnic group, and...
The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music