This book is part of a wider project that aims to propose a model GATT that makes good economic sense without undoing its current basic structure.
This book is part of a wider project on the economic logic behind the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). This volume asks: What does the historical record indicate about the aims and objectives of the framers of the GATT?
This book is part of a wider project that aims to propose a model GATT that makes good economic sense without undoing its current basic structure.
"This book is part of a wider project on the economic logic behind the General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). This volume asks: What does the historical record indicate about the aims and objectives of the frames of the GATT?
This book is part of a wider project that aims to propose a model GATT that makes good economic sense without undoing its current basic structure. It asks: What does...