The Gingerbread Man

  • The Gingerbread Man
    By Michael Walker

    These Little Books offer an introduction to classic and multi-cultural literature. Original colour illustrations and read-along cues encourage even the youngest children to participate. Comprehensive Teacher's Guides are also available.

  • The Gingerbread Man: In Signed English
    By Harry Bornstein, Karen L. Saulnier

    Presents the story of the Gingerbread Man for the enjoyment of deaf children. Accompanied by diagrams showing how to form the Signed English signs for each word of the text.

  • The Gingerbread Man
    By David Hornsby

    'Run, run as fast as you can. You can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Man.

  • The Gingerbread Man: Pat Williams--then and Now
    By Pat Williams, Jerry B. Jenkins

    The Gingerbread Man: Pat Williams--then and Now

  • The Gingerbread Man
    By Audrey Daly

    The gingerbread man runs away from an old woman and man, a cow, and a horse, but he needs more than speed when he meets a clever fox.

  • The Gingerbread Man: Classic Tales Edition
    By Alison Adams

    "A little old couple takes care in making a gingerbread man. The old man opens the oven and the cookie runs away! Read this fairy tale to find out what happens!"--Back cover.

  • The Gingerbread Man: Fairy Tale with picture glossary and an activity
    By Ronne Randall, Pat-a-Cake

    A lively activity at the end invites discussion and will make even the very youngest children want to return to these story books again and again. There's even a gingerbread recipe to make your very own gingerbread man!

  • The Gingerbread Man
    By Michael Walker

    The Gingerbread Man

  • The Gingerbread Man
    By Robert James

    "Run, run as fast as you can. You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!" A beautifully illustrated retelling of this favourite traditional story. Join in the chase, but beware falling for the words of the sly, old fox!

  • The Gingerbread Man
    By Maggie Shayne

    Here was the barber shop, the small grocery store-slash-gas station, the library, Mr. Lee's Ice Cream Emporium, which was closed now that the tourist season had ended. It closed at the same time every year. She liked that about this ...

  • The Gingerbread Man
    By Eric A. Kimmel

    A freshly baked gingerbread man escapes when he is taken out of the oven and eludes a number of animals until he meets a clever fox.

  • The Gingerbread Man
    By Jim Aylesworth

    Jim Ayelsworth's charming text and Barbara McClintock's narrative pictures in this New York Times Best Illustrated Book make for an unbeatable re-telling of the classic tale.

  • The Gingerbread Man
    By Eric Suben

    "Run, run as fast as you can, you can’t catch me, I’m the gingerbread man!" Repetitive rhymes and fun illustrations help tell the classic tale of "The Gingerbread Man.

  • The Gingerbread Man
    By Gail Yerrill

    "First published 2012 Parragon Books, Ltd."--Copyright page.

  • The Gingerbread Man
    By Eric A. Kimmel

    A freshly baked gingerbread man escapes the old woman and old man who baked him, chanting "I'll run and run as fast as I can. You can't catch me. I'm the gingerbread man!" And he does keep running . . . until he meets a wily fox.

  • The Gingerbread Man
    By Carol Jones

    A freshly baked gingerbread man escapes when he is taken out of the oven and eludes a series of nursery rhyme characters who hope to eat him until meeting up with a clever fox. Includes recipe.

  • The Gingerbread Man
    By Ladybird

    Read it yourself is a learning to read series of classic, traditional stories with four levels of difficulty to suit the stage your child is at with reading.

  • The Gingerbread Man

    Relive the classic fairy tale The Gingerbread Man in this lovely storybook.

  • The Gingerbread Man

    These titles in the popular First Reading series are re-issued with hardback covers with audio CDs inserted into a wallet inside the back cover.

  • The Gingerbread Man
    By Carol North

    A freshly baked gingerbread man escapes when he is taken out of the oven and eludes a number of animals until he meets a clever fox.