But man hath an immortal soul, saith he, a heavenly spirit, eternity. But man hath an immortal soul, saith he, a heavenly spirit, eternity. But man hath an immortal soul, saith he, a heavenly spirit, eternity. But man hath an immortal ...
In The Glory of Christ, abridged and made easy to read by R. J. K. Law, we have the great Puritan pastor and theologian John Owen at his richest and most mature.
The subject is the Glory of Christ, as the representative of God to the church, -- in the mystery of his Person, -- in his office as Mediator, -- in his exaltation on high, -- in his relation to the church during every age of its history, - ...
" Sproul concludes: "This is the statement every Christian longs to make at the end of his life. This is the proper response to the manifestation of the glory of Christ." Book jacket.
In this book, John Owen (1616-1683) conveys the importance of the glory of Christ in the life of a believer. Meditating and savoring the glory of Christ transforms us into His image and gives us joy and strength to follow Christ to the end.
'This book attempts to show something of the stature of Jesus Christ: to explain him but not to explain him away; to listen to his voice, not to drown it; to admire him, and to urge his uniqueness and his lordship upon a world so short of ...
... absurdity , the wicked blasphemy against the God of heaven , that any human creature is to suffer unending torments , literally everlasting agony . I am amazed how any man who has the slightest conception of the Divine character can ...