On the other hand , had the sun's T - Tauri wind occurred before the aggregation of matter into planets , all the potential water for our world — which originally clung to the surfaces of interstellar dust particles as frost — would ...
Weinberg, Steven. The First Three Minutes. New York: Basic Books, 1977. ———. “Life in the Universe.” Scientific American, vol. 271, no. 4 (October 1994). Weisskopf, Victor. “The Frontiers and Limits of Science.” American Scientist, vol.
The God Hypothesis offers a bold look at the alien abduction phenomena and challenges not only commonly accepted UFO theories, but also the modern theological and scientific consensus views of...
This book is easy-to-read. Everyday terms are used & the reasoning is of the common sense variety. The book is chiefly concerned with scientific facts & how they support or refute religious ideas.
This book challenges all the commonly-held beliefs of the modern world, from the scientific, materialist view of reality taught by mainstream, science to the accepted interpretation of the Bible and our understanding of God, angels and ...