The Gospel of Matthew

  • The Gospel of Matthew
    By R.T. France

    Matthew's Beatitudes Compared with Luke 6:20-26 While both discourses begin with beatitudes, the two sets are very different: (i) Luke has four beatitudes ... (ii) Luke has four balancing “woes,” to which Matthew has no parallel.

  • The Gospel of Matthew: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary
    By Craig S. Keener

    Keener also brings home the total impact of Matthew s message, including its clear portrait of Jesus and its call for discipleship, both to the Gospel s ancient readers and to believers today. / Thoroughly researched, the book includes a ...

  • The Gospel of Matthew
    By J. C. Ryle

    He was renowned for his powerful preaching and extensive tracts. In The Gospel of Matthew Ryle delves into the gospel of Matthew giving insight and commentary on this important book of the New Testament.

  • The Gospel of Matthew
    By John Schultz

    21 "His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!' 22 "The man with the two talents also came.

  • The Gospel of Matthew
    By Rev. Charles

    Designed with the teacher / student in mind. It details and explores the Book of Matthew with emphasis on teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • The Gospel of Matthew
    By Rudolf Schnackenburg

    But recent research raises many questionsregarding Matthew's creation, theological intentions, and shapingfor the circle of its first recipients.This highly original commentary by Rudolf Schnackenburgfollows Matthew chapter by chapter and ...

  • The Gospel of Matthew: Interpreting Biblical Texts Series
    By Donald Senior

    David B. Howell, Matthew's Inclusive Story-A Study in the Narrative Rhetoric of the First Gospel, J SNTSup 42 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1990). Amy Jill Levine, The Social and Ethnic Dimensions of Matthean Salvation History ...

  • The Gospel of Matthew
    By Wallace S. Jungers

    For such an audience, Matthew could use Jewish rhetoric and themes without explanation. But, this is not the case for Americans and others who read Matthew today.

  • The Gospel of Matthew
    By John Paul Heil

    They are also invited to complement their ritual worship – especially the Baptism and Eucharist – instituted for ... by Loving God and One Another to Live Eternally ( 2015 ) , and The Letters of Paul as Rituals of Worship ( 2012 ) .

  • The Gospel of Matthew
    By John Nolland

    Carmignac, J., 'Comment Jésus et ses contemporains pouvaient-ils célébrer la Pâque à une date non officielle?' RevQ 5 (1964-66), 59-79. Chwolson, D., Das letzte Passamahl Christi und der Tag seines Todes (Leipzig: H. Haessel, 1908).

  • The Gospel of Matthew
    By William Barclay

    Matthew was to become the chronicler of Christ's life and teachings - and, though it is widely accepted that he did not write the gospel itself, his influence is felt throughout.

  • The Gospel of Matthew
    By William Barclay

    "? Are you puzzled by the cursing of the fig tree by Jesus or by his comments about moving mountains? William Barclay discusses these and many other interesting matters in this second volume of the Gospel of Matthew.

  • The Gospel of Matthew: Chapters 11-28
    By William Barclay

    . ."? Are you puzzled by the cursing of the fig tree by Jesus or by his comments about moving mountains? William Barclay discusses these and many other interesting matters in this second volume of The Gospel of Matthew.

  • The Gospel of Matthew: Volume 2 (Chapters 11 to 28)
    By Bible. N. T. Matthew. English. Barclay. 1975

    The Gospel of Matthew: Volume 2 (Chapters 11 to 28)

  • The Gospel of Matthew: Chapters 11 to 28
    By William Barclay

    The Gospel of Matthew: Chapters 11 to 28

  • The Gospel of Matthew: The Triumph of the King, Matthew 18-28
    By James Montgomery Boice

    The Gospel of Matthew, said James Montgomery Boice, is the first of the gospels, the longest, the most Jewish, the most evangelistic, and, in many ways, the most compelling. To...