The Great Shift

  • The Great Shift: Encountering God in Biblical Times
    By James L. Kugel

    God appears to Abraham and Sarah, Jacob and others; God buttonholes Moses and Isaiah and Jeremiah and tells them what to say. Then comes the Great Shift, and Israelites stop seeing God or hearing the divine voice.

  • The Great Shift: And How To Navigate It
    By Michael Drake

    Although most of us did not grow up in an indigenous rhythmic musical tradition, we can still tap into the healing power of the drum circle. The shamanic drum circle is the most powerful way I know to connect with the spirit and oneness ...

  • The Great Shift: You Have the Power to Be: Freedom from Fear and Abundance of Health, Wealth and Love
    By Manfred H. E. Rohde

    Humanity is facing a great shift in understanding and changed consciousness. This is a book of individual empowerment through right thinking. This book has the spiritualisation of the individual as its aim, with huge benefits.

  • The Great Shift: And How To Navigate It
    By Michael Drake

    ... uncertain times, it is impossible to find stability in the outer world, so do not waste your time looking for it. Instead, we must hold steady within ourselves and observe the chaos from an inner place of power. When we center ourselves ...

  • The Great Shift: Catalyzing the Second Renaissance
    By Robin Wood

    This book is a blueprint for planetary evolution: How to get from 'Here,' breakdown and collapse, to 'There,' breakthroughs to an actual new world. In time.