The Gutenberg Revolution

  • The Gutenberg Revolution
    By John Man

    In the early seventeenth century Coster was portrayed handling a press like any estab. lished printer, and up until the mid-twentieth century schoolbooks and popular histories blandly stated that Coster was genuine, Gutenberg a vile ...

  • The Gutenberg Revolution: A History of Print Culture
    By Richard Abel

    —Richard S. Westfall, “The Scientific Revolution Reasserted,” in Rethinking the Scientific Revolution While it is always convenient for the historian to organize a narrative by century, as has been done here, every relatively informed ...

  • The Gutenberg Revolution: A History of Print Culture
    By Richard Abel

    The cultural upsurge of the Renaissance (fourteenth to seventeenth centuries), which resulted in part from Gutenberg's invention, is a major focus of this book.Abel aims to delineate how the cultural revolution was shaped by the invention ...

  • The Gutenberg Revolution: The Story of a Genius and an Invention that Changed the World
    By John Man

    "Gutenberg struggled against a background of plague, religious upheaval and legal battles to bring his remarkable invention to light but once the secret of printing with movable type was revealed, the world was never the same again.

  • The Gutenberg Revolution: A History of Print Culture
    By Richard Abel

    This book provides insight into the history of the printed word, the roots of modern-day mass book production, and the promise of the electronic revolution. It is an essential work in the history of ideas.