Coggans, N. and McKellar, S. (1996) Health Promoting Schools: An Investigation into the Wider Context of Health Education in Schools, Glasgow: Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Strathclyde. Cohen, J. and Emanuel, ...
Rogers, E. and Shoemaket, F. (1979) Communication of Innovations - A Cross Cultural Approach, USA: Free Press Macmillan Co. Rogers, L., Moon, A.M., Mullee, M.A., Spellet, V.M. and Rodetick, P.J. (1998) 'Developing the health promoting ...
Rogers , L. , Moon , A.M. , Mullee , M.A. , Speller , V.M. and Roderick , P.J. ( 1998 ) ' Developing the health promoting ... and Sons Ltd. Scott , D. and Weston , R. ( 1998 ) Evaluating Health Promotion , Cheltenham : Stanley Thornes .
This book brings together recent international scholarship on the links between education and health, and recent research evidence evaluating the processes and outcomes of health promoting schools initiatives.
This book brings together recent international scholarship on the links between education and health, and recent research evidence evaluating the processes and outcomes of health promoting schools initiatives.