And in the early mythologies — for instance , of ancient Sumer — the earliest emergence out of the sea of life is in the form of a mountain . The mountain is a male and female . The upper half is male and the lower half female .
The book takes the form of a transcript of a four day workshop conducted by Stephen and Robert. It is a powerful way of learning as you are so absorbed by the experiences of the participants that you feel you are actually there.
Contains interviews, lectures, and conversations describing the author's life and the development of his ideas about mythology, religion, psychology, art, and the spiritual journey of the hero.
Explores the literary theme of the hero's journey in twenty essays covering works by authors as varied as Virgil and Maxine Hong Kingston.
Profiling six phases of the mythic hero's journey from unconscious innocence to ultimate self-awareness, argues that shared vision, purpose, and inquiry, combined with the use of the collective wisdom of myth, legend, and metaphor, can ...
This book is designed to guide you to the true fulfillment and wholeness that only you can define.
The Hero's Journey: Second Edition
A companion to the award-winning film documentary, this is the story of Joseph Campbell's lifelong journey into the world of mythology. Exclusive interviews, lectures, and conversations with figures such as...
The book takes the form of a transcript of a four day workshop conducted by Stephen and Robert. It is a powerful way of learning as you are so absorbed by the experiences of the participants that you feel you are actually there.
The Hero's Journey: Illuminating Your Life/Career Path
The Hero's Journey: An Introspective and Critical Thinking Approach to Life/Career Planning
The Hero's Journey
In The Hero's Journey, Rebillot explains why personal crisis can actually be a form of spiritual calling.
The Hero's Journey: Thor
Discover how to apply the collective wisdom of heroic tales and mythology to the everyday process of school improvement.