A collection of ancient Greek poetry that chronicles some of the major episodes from Greek mythology--from the abduction of Persephone to the theft of Apollo's cattle--originally recited at festivals to honor the Olympian gods and goddesses ...
Studies in Ancient Greek Poetry Presented to M. L. West on His Seventieth Birthday (Oxford). Finkelberg, M. (2000), 'The Cypria, the Iliad, and the Problem of Multiformity in Oral and Written Tradition', CPh95: 1–11.
SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY This bibliography includes all the texts referred to in the notes, as well as a selection of other useful works. GREEK TEXTS AND COMMENTARIES Allen, Thomas W. 1912. Homeri Opera, Vol. 5.
GREEK TEXTS AND COMMENTARIES Allen , Thomas W. 1912. Homeri Opera . Vol . 5. Oxford : Oxford University Press . Allen , T. W. , W.R. Halliday , and E. E. Sikes . 1936. The Homeric Hymns . Oxford : Clarendon Press . Càssola , Filippo .
Lang was one of the founders of the study of "Psychical Research," and his other writings on anthropology include The Book of Dreams and Ghosts (1897), Magic and Religion (1901) and The Secret of the Totem (1905).
English translation of all the Homeric Hymns, with notes and introductions.
The Homeric Hymns are now known to be the work of various poets working in the same tradition, probably during the seventh and sixth centuries BC. They honour the Greek gods, and recount some of the most attractive of the Greek myths.
This edition is designed as a reference tool to aid scholars and students in their study of the poem.
This is the first collection of scholarly essays on the Homeric Hymns, a corpus of 33 hexameter poems celebrating gods that were probably recited at religious festivals, among other possible performance venues, and were frequently ...
A rich source for students of Greek mythology and literature, the Homeric hymns are also fine poetry.
Composed for recitation at festivals, these 33 songs were written in honour of the gods and goddesses of the ancient Greek pantheon.
These materials all enrich the reader's experience of these ancient and influential poems. A perennial classroom favorite, The Homeric Hymns embodies thrilling new visions of antiquity.
The Hymns are fragments of the work of aschool which had a great Master and great traditions: they also illustrate manyaspects of Greek religion.
This edition is designed as a reference tool to aid scholars and students in their study of the poem.