“Gee! I wouldn't go in there for ten farms.” “It's devil's business; I'm goin' home,” said another. Then for what seemed like hours and days there was silence,— awful and complete save for the gibbering of the water in the gut al- most ...
This new edition makes this novel accessible to new generations of modern-day readers. General readers will find in The House of the Black Ring a thriller that preserves details of rural life and language during the late nineteenth century.
Well, let me ask you one: ever try a mess o'genuwine Yankee bake beans? Now I don't mean your scairt, whitelivered, hard-shell beans that's been sizzled twenty minutes in a tin pan, but real, gen-u-wine Yankee beans, such as my mother ...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.
A reprint of a 1904 novel by Pennsylvania State College (now University) professor of English Fred Lewis Pattee, set in the 1890s in central Pennsylvania.
"A reprint of a 1904 novel by Pennsylvania State College (now University) professor of English Fred Lewis Pattee, set in the 1890s in central Pennsylvania.