The Humanity of Private Law

  • The Humanity of Private Law: Part I: Explanation
    By Nicholas McBride

    ... Mosley v News Group Newspapers Ltd [2008] EWHC 687 (QB)........................................140 Moulev Garrett (1872) LR 7 Exch 101 (Exch)........................................................................214 MSC ...

  • The Humanity of Private Law: Part I: Explanation
    By Nicholas McBride

    In his classic essay on 'What makes someone's life go best', Derek Parfit distinguished three theories of human flourishing: On Hedonistic Theories, what would be best for someone is what would make his life happiest.

  • The Humanity of Private Law: Part II: Evaluation
    By Nicholas McBride

    Constant bliss in every atom.' 52 Blake, 'Auguries of innocence' (1803). 53Barfoot, '“Milton silent came down my path”: the Epiphany of Blake's Left Foot' in Tigges (ed), Moments of Moment: Aspects of the Literary Epiphany (Rodopi, ...

  • The Humanity of Private Law: Part II: Evaluation
    By Nicholas McBride

    Being treated by Cain as though you are worth nothing is easy to ignore if Cain is a stranger that you meet on the street; much harder to shrug off if you are disabled and unable to look after yourself and Cain is your primary caregiver ...

  • The Humanity of Private Law: explanation
    By Nicholas J. McBride

    THIS VOLUME presents a critique of alternative explanations of private law; defines and sets out the key building blocks of private law; sets out the vision of human flourishing (the RP) that English private law has in mind in seeking to ...

  • The Humanity of Private Law: Part I: Explanation
    By Nicholas J McBride

    THIS VOLUME - presents a critique of alternative explanations of private law; - defines and sets out the key building blocks of private law; - sets out the vision of human flourishing (the RP) that English private law has in mind in seeking ...

  • The Humanity of Private Law: Evaluation. Part II
    By Nicholas J. McBride

    The Humanity of Private Law presents a new way of thinking about English private law.