Featuring full color illustrations by children from across the United States and Canada, this original fairy tale from one of the world's most celebrated storytellers will captivate readers of all ages.
If you're feeling brave, step into the pages of this book to find out... A beautiful digital edition, brought to life with full-colour illustrations by the young winners of The Ickabog competition.
As the legend of the fearsome Ickabog spreads terror in the peaceful kingdom of Cornucopia, best friends Bert and Daisy set out to discover the truth and bring happiness back to the kingdom.
As the legend of the fearsome Ickabog spreads terror in the peaceful kingdom of Cornucopia, best friends Bert and Daisy set out to discover the truth and bring happiness back to the kingdom.
Could a myth bring a once happy country to its knees? Could a myth thrust two children into an adventure they didn't ask for and never expected? If you're feeling brave, step into the pages of this book to find out.