They pass more open rooms. Some rooms have signs on them: “Obstruction. Illegal Towing. Merchandise Warranties.” One of the biggest rooms says, simply, “Chemicals.” She hears people yelling, “Skin reactions! Fumes! No noticeable odour!
According to Porter, “economic distress of America's inner cities” is due to “lack of businesses and jobs,” which effects “not only a crushing cycle of poverty but also crippling social problems such as drug abuse and crime.
This handbook provides a comprehensive overview of the rebuilding of America's urban areas. Beginning with an introduction into the condition of our nation's metropolitan cities and their urban problems, as...
In Karen Heuler's stories, characters cope with the strange without thinking it's strange.
Porter's ideas have prompted endorsement as well as criticism. More importantly, they have inspired a search for new solutions to inner city distress as well as a reassessment of current approaches.
The Inner City defines a core debate in the United States over the future of a racially divided urban America.