Explores the legal strategy behind the insanity defense, examining key cases utilizing the defense throughout history and debunking popular myths regarding its scope and consequences.
The Insanity Defense
The insanity defense has become the most passionately debated issue in criminal law, a debate marked by slogans and stereotypes.
This book presents a range of expert viewpoints on the insanity defense, exposing common myths; investigating its effectiveness and place in our legal system through history, case studies, and comparative analysis; and supplying ...
Comprising the classic bestsellers Getting Even, Without Feathers, and Side Effects, this definitive collection of comic writings is from a man who needs no Introduction.
No area of criminal law has been the subject of more controversy than the insanity defense. The Insanity Defense is a clear assessment of this issue as it exists in...
How often is the defense of insanity or temporary insanity for accused criminals valid—or is it ever legitimate? This unique work presents multidisciplinary viewpoints that explain, support, and critique the insanity defense as it stands.
The Insanity Defense: Philosophical, Historical, and Legal Perspectives
The Insanity Defense
The insanity defense has become the most passionately debated issue in criminal law, a debate marked by slogans and stereotypes.
This unique book provides a versatile exploration of the philosophical foundations of the insanity defense.
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