In a unique business fable, a wise, old millionaire counsels an eager young man through practical, ready-to-implement lessons that reveal ideas and actions that can give anyone the mentality of a millionaire. Original.
The Instant Millionaire
The Instant Millionaire: A Millionaire Reveals how to Achieve Spectacular Financial Success
And does financial success bring happiness? These perennial questions are perhaps more timely than ever. The Instant Millionaire answers them in the unforgettable voice of a very wise and wealthy old man.
A Zen-like parable of a dissatisfied young man aspiring to wealth. Seeking the secrets of riches from one who has them, the young man is given a series of metaphysical...
... millionaire in reality . You will soon be one in your mind , and that's what is most important . " " Even without a penny to my name .... " " Keep repeating the formula . Little by little you [ 88 ] THE INSTANT MILLIONAIRE.