... over any La Cour n'a pas compétence à l'égard d'une person who was under the age of 18 at the personne qui était âgée de moins de 18 ans time of the alleged commission of a crime. au moment de la commission prétendue d'un crime.
... over any La Cour n'a pas compétence à l'égard d'une person who was under the age of 18 at the personne qui était âgée de moins de 18 ans time of the alleged commission of a crime. au moment de la commission prétendue d'un crime.
Mahnoush H. Arsanjani and W. Michael Reisman, 'The International Criminal Court and the Congo: From Theory to Reality', in Leila Nadya Sadat and Michael P. Scharf (eds), The Theory and Practice of International Criminal Law, ...
Established as one of the main sources for the study of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, this volume provides an article-by-article analysis of the Statute; the detailed analysis draws upon relevant case law from the ...
This book is about the International Criminal Court (ICC), a new and highly distinctive criminal justice institution with the ability to prosecute the highest-level government officials, including heads of state, even in countries that have ...
The International Campaign to Ban Landmines was not represented in the ICC negotiating process, and neither were any of ... According to one source, Canada specifically had landmines in mind in making this proposal ('Canada Slammed', ...
A universal criminal court : the emergence of an idea -- The global civil society campaign -- The victory : the independent prosecutor -- The defeat : no universal jurisdiction -- The controversy : gender and forced pregnancy -- The missed ...
In the absence of any official travaux preparatoires, this work facilitates a better understanding of the legislative intent and serves as a guide to future application of the Statute by the Court.
This transitional opt-out provision will have to be reexamined at the first Review Conference. ... on proposals such as a five-year transitional opt-in regime for crimes against humanity and war crimes, a ten-year transitional opt-out ...
Acknowledgements -- Foreword -- Fatou B. Bensouda -- Preface -- Richard H. Steinberg -- Notes on Contributors -- List of Abbreviations -- Part 1: Sexual and Gender-Based Violence: Cooperation in Obtaining Evidence -- Introduction to Part 1: ...
Global Politics and the Quest for Justice William J. Driscoll, Joseph P. Zompetti, Suzette Zompetti. The Nuremberg ... Debate Institute . IDEA 400 WEST 59TH STREET 4TH FLOOR NEW YORK , NY 10019 ISBN 0-9720541-4-6 90000 > 9780972 054140 ...
The International Criminal Court: Contemporary Challenges and Reform Proposals is a collection of essays by prominent international criminal law commentators, responsive to questions of interest to the Office of the Prosecutor of the ...
Law, Roy S. Lee.