The creators of the famous "gorilla experiment" that demonstrated people's inattention to obvious facts draw on hundreds of creative experiments to whimsically reveal how the human race overrates its mental capacity.
M. Piazzesi and M. Schneider, “Momentum Traders in the Housing Market: Sur. vey Evidence and a Search Model,” Stanford University manuscript, 2009, www.stanford .edu/-piazzesismomentumož0in%20housing%20search.pdf (accessed August 17, ...
Wouldn't you? If a serious violent crime took place just next to you, you'd remember it, right? The Invisible Gorilla is a fascinating look at the unbelievable, yet routine tricks that your brain plays on you.
The Ig Nobel Prize in Psychology-winning creators of the famous "gorilla experiment" that demonstrated people's inattention to obvious facts draw on hundreds of creative experiments to whimsically reveal how the human race overrates its ...
The Invisible Gorilla: And Other Ways Our Intuitions Deceive Us
The Invisible Gorilla