The porter protested. “I think we didn't ought to go in there. It's not allowed.” “I'm allowed,” Yashim said shortly. “And you're with me. Come on.” It was darker this time, but Yashim knew where to go. At the head of the steps he put ...
The seraskier rubbed a hand across his chin , watching Yashim . “ The sultan recognizes that our military review presents him an opportunity . Next Monday , all the city will be watching . People will see the banner of the Prophet at ...
Brilliantly evoking Istanbul in the 1830s, The Janissary Tree is a bloody, witty and fast-paced literary thriller with a spectacular cast.
Darker than any of these is the mysterious figure who controls the Sultan's harem.
A fabulously rich and entertaining story .
kelompok - kelompok yang menganut ajaran - ajaran sesat . Dia yakin , tiap hari mereka menyebar ... Yang lain — dan siapa yang bisa bilang mereka tidak terpengaruh contoh buruk kelompok yang tadi ? -- sama sekali tak peduli pihak ...